I grew up with atheist parents who were kinda anti-religion in general, despite having been brought up in Catholic families themselves. Growing up I identified as an atheist until I got exposed to different religions and ethical viewpoints. Since then I have considered myself agnostic, which by definition describes a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God, but in reality, means I have no clue where this whole existence comes from. I have a scientific background — I’ve studied physics and advanced mathematics—and I came to the conclusion science clearly does not explain much about the Creation. On the other hand, I also don’t think that it’s likely that there is an old beardy guy up in the sky.
Ultimately, I don’t think it matters much whether God exists or not. I mean, let’s be honest, can’t we all agree that we really don’t know anything for sure?
“Believers read one book, atheists read too many books and got confused, and agnostics read all the books and still don’t know what to believe” — Yoga saying
I’m the epitome of the self-development and lifelong learning cliché. I’m constantly diving into new experiences and devouring content because if I ever find myself stuck in one place for too long, I start feeling a sense of inner lifelessness that can lead to depression. For those who are familiar with the Enneagram Type, I perfectly fit the mold of a typical Type 8.
I have a partner who is Brazilian and deeply connected to spirituality. Over the years, he has introduced me to intriguing concepts that have sparked my growing interest in the subject. Lately, my focus has been on well-being, energy, consciousness, and similar topics. We’ve been following a whole food plant-based lifestyle for a couple of years now, and during this journey, I have discovered the importance of grounding. Meditation has become a regular practice for us, and just recently, we began exploring Tai Chi as well.
New calling?!
In early 2023, I made a decision to take my spiritual training more seriously. Many people seem to experience a reality beyond what I have known, so why shouldn’t I explore that too? Now, I must admit, I’m quite a skeptical person and not easily swayed by naivety. However, my curiosity outweighs my skepticism by a long shot. If there’s something hidden out there, I want to uncover it.
Earlier this year, I participated in the Isha Inner Engineering Program, and it was an incredible experience. It was rational, logical, and infused with what feels like a significant dose of wisdom (although I’m still eating onions, go figure!). Interestingly enough, this weekend, Sadhguru, whom I’ve been listening to and who never fails to make me laugh, is holding the Inner Engineering Completion Program in Los Angeles. I have no idea what this event entails, but I do know that I need to take this class to gain access to other programs offered by Isha. Plus, the opportunity to hang out with Sadhguru sounds like it will undoubtedly be a fantastic time.
I don’t have many expectations going into this. It’s a two-day event that seems quite intense. The schedule runs from 9 am to 8:30 pm on Saturday and from 7 am to 5:30 pm on Sunday. I must confess that I didn’t realize the events would start so early, and I wasn’t expecting to have to show up two hours before the official start time, but hey, that’s how it goes. Let’s see what this experience has in store!